Creative Mark Powercryl Series Synthetic Hog Filberts
Of each type of Powercryl stiff synthetic hog brush, the Filbert is the detail master. Because of its longer filament, it is nimble. Because of its taper, it is extra-nimble and performs curves and organic multi-width lines brilliantly - perfect for natural shapes like leaves and flower petals. With twists of the brush, lines smoothly transition from fine to fat, as is demanded. Because of its rounded but flattened end, it is unsurpassed for carrying a flattened line or an organically shaped scumble. You could use a Number One, Two or Four for fine, complex detailing. These small versions of Filberts can morph back and forth from organic to straight line and get into fine, curved crevices of areas. One number six or eight is perfect for general detail work in larger paintings. Number Tens and Twelve are the very best for general detailing of broad areas of natural subjects like sky, field or water. They can also brilliantly define a rounded crisp edge or create a fine, curved line. Depending on your process, one of these larger sizes is usually enough.