Bailey Studio Gallery Class - Canvas Building, The New Technology
Avoid all the structural and archival pitfalls of pre-manufactured canvases by learning the technology and processes for building perfectly permanent substrates for you oil or acrylic paintings. Throw current conventions away and go with current technology instead.
In this course you will learn and apply the best and latest canvas building practices that have been gleaned from art conservation scientists - from how to measure, cut and properly align linen or canvas, the best sizing for your fabric and how to apply it, the best stretching methods that outperform the traditional ones, the very best structural supports and how they are built, and the best grounds specifically for your paint practice and how to apply them.
It is important to take this quick, easy and inexpensive course that will make your artwork permanent and safe from the ravages of time: fabric rotting, chemical leaching (SIDS) or painting film stress, wear, tear, punctures, dints and cracking.
Every single painter needs to know this hard-won, invaluable, latest information. You owe it to your artwork to maintain its foundational integrity, so that it can be enjoyed generations from now.
Instructor: Kathy Marlene Bailey, B. Art Ed., OSA, CGOS
Cost: $60-$90 plus materials. Materials and tools can be purchased by Bailey Studio Gallery and will include: a cradled panel, linen, thumb tacks, upholstery tacks, PVA sizing, Golden Acrylic Gesso or Gamblin Oil Ground, sand paper, canvas puller, screw driver, hammer, pencil, ruler.
Dates: Jan 2, 2024 or January 5, 2024, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm. A one-day, 6 hour workshop. Bring a lunch. Refreshments provided.
To Register: Contact the Canadian Glaze Oil Society: Louise Doyle at registration@cgos.ca. For further information, contact me, Kathy Marlene Bailey at 902-962-3642.